IT Training

IT Project Management Office - Team Dynamix Training Courses

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Team Dynamix Training Courses

TeamDynamix - Basic Navigation & Ticketing Training

This class is a prerequisite for the Project Manager and Portfolio Manager training sessions.

Topics will include:

- Navigation
- MyWork
- Tracking time to tasks
- Issues
- Creating tickets
- Commenting & updating
- Accessing & viewing
- Templates
- Ticket organization & structure
- Managing tickets & related work

This class will prepare the typical user for their work in the tool, and prime Project Managers and Portfolio Managers for future learning about the capabil... [more...]
TeamDynamix - Project Management Training

This class is a prerequisite for TeamDynamix - Portfolio Manager.

This hands-on class is for those who have been identified as Project Managers.

Topics will include:

- Managing a project in TeamDynamix
- Requesting resources
- Assigning and Managing work
- How to determine and update project status
- Viewing project-level reports
- Recording project issues
- Closing a project
- Using Templates

Includes creating plans, determining status of projects, requesting resource... [more...]
TeamDynamix - Report Training

Suggested Prerequisite: TeamDynamix - Basic Navigation

Topics will include:

- Desktop/Dashboard development
- Search functions
- Filtering data
- Standard reporting
- Developing custom reports
TeamDynamix - Portfolio and Resource Management Training

Recommended prerequisites: TeamDynamix Basic Navigation & TeamDynamix Project Management

Topics include:

- Capacity reporting & planning
- Intake of new project requests
- Evaluating request for team resources
- Request processing & approvals
- Reporting of projects across the portfolio


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